Euro Gas Industry Publishes Methane Guidelines
April 30, 2020

The European gas industry has published its first guidelines for methane emissions reduction target setting. The guideline’s content has been developed by gathering Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and MARCOGAZ members’ input through a questionnaire.
GIE is the association representing the interests of European gas infrastructure operators active in gas transmission, gas storage and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regasification. IOGP’s members account for 90% of European oil and gas production and 40% at global level. MARCOGAZ is the representative body of the European Natural Gas Industry on all technical issues.
Reducing methane emissions contributes to decarbonizing Europe’s energy system and put the EU on track to achieve its objective of climate neutrality by 2050. Together with operational measures to effectively manage methane emissions, the establishment of companies’ voluntary emissions reduction targets can help them set a clear and measurable objective against which to assess their progress.
The guidelines identify, in a comprehensive manner, the key elements of the process to establish a target and also address how to keep track of progress once a target is set. They also give an overview of industry’s achievements so far in this field.
“This document is the fruit of an excellent collaboration exercise across the value chain,” said Francisco de la Flor, GIE and MARCOGAZ board member. “A significant number of European gas companies have targets in place, and some of those who don’t are willing to do so as well. We encourage our members and all gas value chain actors who are considering to establish methane emission reduction targets to do so based on these technical guidelines.”
“Expectations on our industry are high, and we’re proud to see the way the whole value chain has stepped up. We hope these guidelines will encourage even more companies to join this effort and help further strengthen the environmental credentials of natural gas” said François-Régis Mouton, IOGP regional director Europe.
GIE, IOGP and MARCOGAZ encourage and recommend that gas industry companies follow the process laid out in the guidelines when establishing emission reduction targets. The guidelines that can be accessed here.