First LNG at New Fortress Energy asset

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Touted as fastest large-scale LNG project developed

New Fortress Energy achieves first LNG for its Fast LNG asset offshore Altamira, Mexico. (Image: New Fortress Energy)

New Fortress Energy has achieved first liquefied natural gas (LNG) for its initial Fast LNG asset offshore Altamira, Mexico.

The FLNG establishes itself as the fastest large-scale LNG project ever developed, the company said in a news release.

NFE said its proprietary Fast LNG design pairs the latest advancements in modular liquefaction technology with jack up rigs or similar offshore infrastructure to enable a faster deployment schedule than traditional liquefaction facilities. The company said Fast LNG harnesses existing FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas) technology and combines it with a modular approach, allowing for scalability, affordability, and speed of natural gas liquefaction.

With a production capacity of 1.4 MTPA, or approximately 70 TBtus, the FLNG completes the vertical integration of NFE’s LNG portfolio and will play a pivotal role in supplying low-cost, clean LNG to the Company’s downstream terminal customers.

“First LNG represents a transformative moment for our Company and the industry as a whole, and reaffirms our position as a fully integrated leader in the global LNG market,” said Wes Edens, Chairman and CEO of New Fortress Energy.

Chart Industries said its Integrated Pre-Cooled Single Mixed Refrigerant (IPSMR) process technology helped deliver the first LNG at the asset.

“We are proud to support NFE and the industry with our modular liquefaction technology and all mission critical equipment, including brazed aluminum heat exchangers, cold boxes and air coolers,” stated Jill Evanko, Chart’s CEO and President. “We congratulate NFE for this success of First LNG, and we look forward to further supporting the industry with our modular, adaptable, resilient and cost-effective technology and products.”

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