Winsert earns INNIO supplier award

30 March 2021

Winsert was awarded an INNIO supplier of the year for its valve seat inserts used in Waukesha and Jenbacher gas engines.

Winsert, Inc., the Marinette, Wisconsin, USA, provider of proprietary alloy components for engines and power systems, was recently named INNIO’s 2020 supplier of the year for quality during INNIO’s virtual supplier of the year awards.

INNIO is a global provider of gas engines, power equipment and related services for power generation and gas compression at or near the point of use. Headquartered in Jenbach, Austria, the business also has primary operations in Welland, Ontario, Canada, and Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Winsert supplies custom valve seat inserts for both the Waukesha and Jenbacher gas engine products.

“Our Winsert family puts quality first every day for our customers”, said Trisha Dickinson Lemery, Winsert president & CEO. “We are humbled and thankful for INNIO to acknowledge our hard work, especially during 2020.”

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