U.S. Energy Production Falls In 2016

31 March 2017

According to a recent EIA report, total energy production for 2016 fell 4% from 2015. This marks the first year-to-year drop in energy production since the 2008-2009 drop. Despite the decline in production, the U.S. saw an increase in total energy imports and exports in 2016.

Fossil fuel production fell 7%, with coal decline (18%) being the largest factor. Petroleum fell 5% and natural gas 2%. Conversely, renewables saw a 7% increase with wind making up almost half of the gain.

On equivalent terms, in 2016 natural gas exports exceeded coal for the first time.

One of the largest percentage gains for 2016 was natural gas exports, which increased 30% from 2015 levels. However, total energy exports only rose 7%. Coal exports saw a 19% decline. In fact, 2016 marked the first year on record in which natural gas exports exceeded coal exports when measured in BTUs.

For the full report, visit eia.gov/todayinenergy. 

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