SPE-ATCE 2019, Call For Papers

23 October 2018

The Society of Petroleum Engineers is accepting proposals for papers to be presented at the 2019 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30 – October 2, 2019 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

ATCE includes more than 300 technical papers on the latest innovations and practices in E&P. By submitting a proposal, you have the opportunity to help shape the technical program at the next conference in 2019.

Technical Topics

Papers will be accepted in all SPE technical disciplines, as well as topics relevant to the Canadian E&P industry.

  • Drilling
  • Completions
  • Projects, Facilities, and Construction
  • Health, Safety, and Environment
  • Management and Information
  • Production Operations
  • Reservoir
  • Canadian Heavy Oil
  • Canadian Unconventional

Learn More

Submit your paper proposal by 21 January 2019.

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