References: Improved Modeling for Compressors with Large Tip Clearance

23 August 2017

1 Moroz, L., Govoruschenko, Y., Pagur, P., and Romanenko, L., 2008, “Integrated Conceptual Design Environment for Centrifugal Compressors Flow Path Design,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Paper No. IMECE2008-69122

2 Aungier, R. H., 2000, “Centrifugal Compressors: a strategy for aerodynamic design and analysis”, ISBN 0-7918-0093-8

3 Ris, V. F., 1981. “Centrifugal compression machines”. L.: Mashinostroenie. 1981. 351 p.

4 Danish, S. N., and others 2006 “The Influence of Tip Clearance on Centrifugal Compressor Stage of a Turbocharger,” 4th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Elounda, Greece, August 21-23, 2006 (pp6-11).

5 Schleer, Matthias, and others, 2008, “Clearance Effects on the Onset of Instability in a Centrifugal Compressor,” Journal of Turbomachinery JULY 2008, Vol. 130.

6 Tang, J. 2006 “Numerical investigation of the effects of tip clearance to the performance of a small centrifugal compressor, ” GT2006-90893

7 Backman, Jari L. H., 2007, “Effects of impeller tip clearance on centrifugal compressor efficiency” Paper No. GT2007-28200

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